Equipping for global ministry
Church planting is a continual learning and equipping experience. Equip360 is a training path offered by Ethnos360 Germany. Candidates who enrol on the Equip360 training path will already have completed an Ethnos360 Bible college or equivalent approved bible training.
Before you move to your field of ministry, Equip360 supplies you with the vital tools you need for cross-cultural church planting ministry. As your ministry with Ethnos360 progressess, further training from experienced co-workers on your field of service will be provided to further enhance the skills you’ve already learned.
Whether you work in a large city in Asia or in a little tribal village in the middle of the jungle, Equip360 is a training path offered by Ethnos360 that will MOBILISE you to fulfil the great commission to “make disciples of all nations” and plant churches that grow towards maturity.
Step 1
Equipping for cross-cultural service.
In your home country, as part of your normal daily routine, you learn the practical and spiritual skills you’ll need to do cross-cultural church planting ministry. You will be able to put this practical training into practice in your local church before relocating overseas to your country of service.
Step 2
Language And Culture Study
Immersion in the language & culture.
You have arrived at your country of service. First you’ll be oriented to the country and build relationships while learning the culture and trade language. When ready you will locate to, and live amongst the unreached people group with whom God called you to serve Him. There you’ll build relationships with the local people while learning their language and culture. Throughout this process you will be further equipped by fellow missionaries with extensive experience within that country.
Step 3
Church Planting And Discipleship
A church is born and grows.
You will share the gospel and teach the Bible chronologically. The people who accept Jesus Christ as their Saviour are strengthened in their newfound faith through discipleship. A new church is born who will themselves become involved in outreach and discipleship.